Duotone Super_Hero SLS 2023-Duotone Windsurfing-4.0-C05:white-14230-1202-9010583135045-Surf-store.com
Duotone Super_Hero SLS 2023-Duotone Windsurfing-4.0-Black-14230-1202-9010583133997-Surf-store.com

Duotone Super_Hero SLS 2023

Duotone Windsurfing
SKU: 14230-1202
Sale price
846.30 €
Regular price
1,209.00 €
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362.70 € (30%)
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Size: 4.0

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SLS 2.0 - CREATING THE SAIL OF YOUR DREAMS IMAGINE A WORLD WHERE RESTRICTIONS IN SAIL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WOULD CEASE TO EXIST. HOW WOULD THE SAIL OF YOUR DREAMS LOOK LIKE? For us this dream started 4 years ago - unlocking the freedom to create a sail unlike anything before. We wanted: - Maximum wind range through better low end power but without any sacrifice in high-end control - Ultralight weight in your hands - A sustainable sail without any sacrifices in durability/longevity But all three of these wishes contradict one another, and thus the reason we have dedicated 4 years of pure development into this one sail. The result is magical.

The SUPER_HERO SLS gives you the freedom to ride with your style. A direct connection to your sail, thanks to the lightning fast reflex reaction of our new fusion technology. Be careful though that your sail does not think faster than you do now! SAIL DESIGN Sail designing consists of 3 factors: the SAIL SHAPING, the TECHNOLOGY and the MATERIALS used to convert that shaping into a physical product. Initially we focussed on the SAIL SHAPING concept.

This shaping concept is the culmination of over a decade of development with both the SUPER_HERO and the SUPER_STAR – combining the best aspects of both sails. Because we are fulfilling all our windsurfing wishes, we designed a size-specific draft location. Just think about your own experiences: - The smaller the sail gets, the more important control becomes. - Conversely, the bigger the sail, the more important planing performance and light weight feeling become. > Therefore, the smaller sizes up to 4.5 have a low and centred draft position, similar to the regular SUPER_HERO, which gives you maximum control and neutrality, especially when conditions get rough. > However, from sizes 5.0 and bigger, the draft position gets gradually shifted slightly up and forward from size to size. Thus, the 5.7 ended up with a draft position quite similar to that of the SUPER_STAR. The higher draft lifts the board, improving planing performance.

It also makes the sail feel even lighter in your hands, which is especially important to compensate for the increased physical weight that larger sails come with. Once the concept was decided, the next step was finding a suitable TECHNOLOGY for this ultimate wave sail.  With the brand new MONOCOQUE FUSION BODY we were finally able to eliminate all stitched body panels. Compared to the stitched SUPER_STAR SLS, this leads to the following advantages: 1. Additional weight reduction of 150-200g 2. The whole sail works as one unit, as any kind of “play” between the panels is eliminated. This results in a more efficient sail (= bigger wind range) and a more responsive/reactive sail (= lighter in your hands) 3. Stronger: machine tear tests prove that the thickest monofilms and even Dyneema or Kevlar reinforced laminates tear before the fusion bonding gives up.

The final step was then to define the MATERIALS. Fortunately, with the SUPER_STAR SLS we had already found the ultimate material mix. Cause with this sail we solved 2 issues you get with other ultralight sails: 1. Ultralight without becoming spongy Technora/Dyneema and Kevlar have a high tear strength, but are not very stiff (only similar stiffness to Polyester). Therefore, if being reduced in thickness to save weight (membrane and laminated or composite sails), these sails tend to become quite spongy and dull to ride. This sponginess results in a less efficient sail with a reduced wind range (especially when overpowered).

Also, a spongy sail feels heavier in your hands (= sailing weight) “eating up” much of the physical weight advantage. Carbon, on the other hand, is approx. 3-4 times stiffer than Technora/Dyneema and Kevlar. Using our INTELLIGENT CARBON XPLY CONSTRUCTION we have found the ideal balance. The CARBON XPLY in the high load clew area improves the load distribution onto the batten above the boom. The CARBON XPLY reinforcements from the top to batten 2 and the tack to the foot batten guarantee unsurpassed low stretch and power transmission.

However, the slightly more (re)flexing regular XPly in the body avoids the power from becoming uncontrollable. On the water this opens up a whole new chapter: with regular sails the increments between the sizes are usually around 0.5 sqm. With the SUPER_HERO SLS though you can easily go from a 5.3 to a 4.5, for example. 2. Ultralight without any sacrifice on durability Also, less body skin thickness automatically reduces wear resistance and longevity in general. No matter which kind of high-tech materials you use, reducing the thickness will always either result in a spongy and/or less durable product.

These are the reasons why reducing the weight the easy way by just reducing the skin thickness has never been an option for us - because all our products are designed and engineered according to our motto “LIGHT DONE RIGHT”. We back this up with our unique 5 YEAR WARRANTY, something no other brand is able to offer. Combining all these advantages has never been achieved before. Using the SUPER_HERO SLS for the first time it feels as if your body becomes united with the sail and you are truly connected with the waves. The lightning quick reflex reactions without any sacrifice in control is a real game changer, so much so, all of our Pro Team will be using the SUPER_HERO SLS in 2023. Please note: after intensive uv radiation, the fusion bonding may take on a yellowish tint. Extensive lab and water tests confirm that this is purely aesthetic and has no influence on the mechanical properties/strength. That's why this is excluded from the warranty.


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Artikli koji su dostupni u našem slovenskom skladištu šalju se unutar 24 sata. Za proizvode koji se nalaze u skladištu našeg europskog distributera, dostava se vrši unutar 4 do 7 radnih dana.

Koje su vaše cijene dostave?

Besplatna dostava Hrvatska za narudžbe iznad 39.90 € za ostatak svijeta. "Dostava s DHL express"

Međutim, za glomazne predmete poput dasaka za surfanje, windsurf dasaka i jarbola, mogu se primijeniti dodatne naknade ovisno o vašoj lokaciji. ( 90% artikla za Hrvatsku nije doplate)

Konačni trošak dostave bit će prikazan prilikom odjave.

Are you able to ship to island destinations?

Dostava na Hrvatske otoke uglavnom je besplatna za narudžbe iznad 39.90 €

Odakle dolaze vaši proizvodi?

Ovaj široki izbor omogućuje nam da vam ponudimo najbolje ponude i najkonkurentnije cijene.

Iako nabava proizvoda s raznih lokacija može dovesti do dužeg vremena isporuke, uvjeravamo vas da iznimna kvaliteta i uštede troškova opravdavaju dodatno vrijeme čekanja!

Več 30 godina smo distributer za Duotone, ION, Cabrinha, Neilpryde, Fanatic, JP Australia, Tabou, Gaastra za Slovenijo.

Ako sam izvan Europske unije, hoću li biti odgovoran za plaćanje bilo kakvih poreza ili carinskih pristojbi na moju narudžbu?

Poslujemo iz Slovenije, članice Europske unije.

Za narudžbe poslane u države izvan Europske unije, mogu se primijeniti uvozne carine, carinske pristojbe i druge naknade koje nameće odredišna država.

Ovi dodatni troškovi su odgovornost primatelja i moraju ih oni podmiriti.

Kako se proizvodi A kvalitete Duotone razlikuju od njihovih proizvoda B kvalitete?

Glavna razlika između proizvoda A i B kvalitete je u njihovom izgledu. Proizvodi B kvalitete mogu imati male razlike u dizajnu ili male kozmetičke nedostatke, međutim, to ne utječe na njihovu učinkovitost. Proizvodi B kvalitete udovoljavaju strogim Duotone standardima funkcionalnosti i trajnosti, nudeći ekonomičan izbor za one koji su zadovoljni manjim vizualnim odstupanjima.

Kupovina bez PDV-a na Surf-Store.com

Kako funkcionira kupovina bez PDV-a?

1. Što je kupovina bez PDV-a?
Kupovina bez PDV-a znači da kupcima izvan Europske unije (EU) nije naplaćen porez na dodanu vrijednost (PDV) na njihove kupnje. To omogućuje međunarodnim kupcima da imaju koristi od nižih cijena.

2. Tko ima pravo na kupovinu bez PDV-a?
Kupci čije se narudžbe šalju na adrese izvan EU imaju pravo na kupovinu bez PDV-a. Tijekom procesa plaćanja, ako odaberete adresu za dostavu izvan EU, cijene će se automatski prilagoditi kako bi isključile PDV.

3. Kako mogu vidjeti cijene bez PDV-a na Surf-Store.com?
Da biste vidjeli cijene bez PDV-a, provjerite da je vaša adresa dostave izvan EU. Kada tijekom plaćanja odaberete zemlju izvan EU, cijene će se ažurirati kako bi odražavale izuzeće PDV-a.

Kako tvrtke mogu kupovati bez PDV-a?
Izvan EU: Tvrtke bi trebale pružiti adresu za dostavu izvan EU tijekom plaćanja. Sustav će se automatski prilagoditi kako bi isključio PDV.
Unutar EU: Tvrtke moraju pružiti valjani PDV registracijski broj tijekom procesa plaćanja. Naš sustav će provjeriti PDV broj i prilagoditi cijene sukladno.

4. Hoće li mi biti naplaćene dodatne naknade ili porezi pri dostavi?
Iako ne naplaćujemo PDV za pošiljke izvan EU, vaša narudžba može biti podložna uvoznim pristojbama, porezima i naknadama po dolasku u vašu zemlju. Te naknade variraju ovisno o zemlji i nisu uključene u naše cijene. Preporučujemo da se za više informacija obratite vašem lokalnom carinskom uredu.

5. Kako mogu potvrditi da je moja narudžba bez PDV-a?
Tijekom procesa plaćanja, nakon što unesete adresu za dostavu izvan EU, vidjet ćete pregled naplaćenih iznosa. PDV će biti naveden kao nula, potvrđujući da je vaša narudžba bez PDV-a.

6. Mogu li dobiti povrat PDV-a ako posjećujem EU i vraćam se kući s mojim kupnjama?
Naša politika kupovine bez PDV-a primjenjuje se samo na narudžbe poslane izvan EU. Ako kupujete artikle koje ćete ponijeti sa sobom dok posjećujete EU, možda imate pravo na povrat PDV-a putem drugih shema, ali te se ne rješavaju izravno kod nas. Preporučujemo da se posavjetujete s lokalnim propisima u vezi s povratom PDV-a za posjetitelje.

7. Što se događa ako vratim svoju narudžbu?
Naš standardni pravilnik o povratu primjenjuje se na kupovine bez PDV-a. Ako vratite artikl, bit će vam vraćen iznos plaćen prilikom plaćanja, isključujući sve troškove dostave. Uvozne pristojbe i porezi plaćeni u vašoj zemlji nisu povratni.

8. Mogu li vidjeti cijene bez PDV-a prije plaćanja?
Trenutno se cijene bez PDV-a prikazuju tijekom procesa plaćanja nakon što unesete adresu za dostavu izvan EU. To osigurava da kupci iz zemalja EU vide cijene koje uključuju PDV.

9. Kome se mogu obratiti za više informacija?
Ako imate pitanja o kupovini bez PDV-a ili vam je potrebna pomoć, kontaktirajte naš tim za korisničku podršku na info@surf-store.com. Tu smo da pomognemo!


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