Duotone Package Slick SLS 2023-Duotone Foilwing-3.0-C05:mint/dark-grey-44220-3550-9010583181295-Surf-store.com

Duotone Package Slick SLS 2023

Duotone Foilwing
SKU: 44220-3550
629.00 €
VAT included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Size: 3.0
Color: C05:mint/dark-grey
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Size: 3.0 / Color: C05:mint/dark-grey

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DUOTONE SLICK SLS 2023 PACKAGE: The Ultimate Wing Foiling Experience

Experience the pinnacle of wing foiling performance with the DUOTONE SLICK SLS 2023 PACKAGE. This comprehensive package includes the advanced Slick SLS Wing, the versatile Miniboom Silver, a reliable Leash, and a high-efficiency Pump, ensuring you have everything you need for an unparalleled session on the water.

Slick SLS: Lightweight, Lift, and Stability Redefined

The Slick SLS stands out as the most popular model in Duotone’s range, now refined to be even lighter, providing more lift and stability. These enhancements result in a wing that is easier to use, offering a smooth, effortless ride that will keep you on the water for hours.

Innovative PentaTX Material

The leading edge and strut of the Slick SLS are crafted from PentaTX material, a revolutionary fabric known for its lightweight properties and exceptional stiffness. This innovation, borrowed from Duotone’s Kiteboarding department, delivers crisper, more direct feedback to your fingertips, significantly enhancing the wing's responsiveness and overall performance.

Enhanced Design for Maximum Performance

Ken Winner, the designer, has meticulously segmented the leading edge, incorporating stronger materials to increase stiffness and rigidity across the mid-section. This design tweak ensures direct power transfer, making the wing highly responsive and efficient, ideal for both beginners and seasoned pros.

Versatile Mini Boom

The Slick SLS features the intuitive mini boom, providing infinite hand placement options. Whether you are attempting your first tacks or executing advanced air rotations, the mini boom ensures your hands are always in the perfect spot. The flexibility and ease of use offered by the mini boom make it a favorite among wing foilers of all skill levels.

2022 Redesign for Superior Stability

The 2022 Slick SLS has been completely re-designed with a new outline, improving luffing stability while surfing waves and during downwinders. This redesign also adds power and hang time for jumps, making it perfect for rotational moves. The engineering focus on reducing wingtip drag enhances clearance, allowing for smoother, more dynamic maneuvers.

Lightweight Window Layout

A new window layout in the Slick SLS reduces overall weight while maintaining excellent visibility to blind spots. This thoughtful design ensures safety and awareness, crucial for navigating crowded waters and executing precise maneuvers.

Tuned Tips and Strut Twist

The tips and strut twist of the Slick SLS have been finely tuned to maximize lift and stability. The tight canopy tension and clean profile facilitate easy, stable one-handed riding, even in gusty conditions, ensuring a reliable and enjoyable experience every time.

Compatibility and Options

The mini boom is available in both Aluminium and Carbon options, and it is compatible with the first-generation Slick wings, offering flexibility and customization according to your preferences and performance needs.

A Wing for All Levels

Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or a pro pushing the limits, the Slick SLS is designed to accelerate your progression. Its intuitive nature, combined with high-performance features, guarantees a rewarding experience on the water.

Miniboom Silver: Quick and Intuitive Installation

The Mini Boom Silver is designed for ease and efficiency. Simply insert the boom into the webbing on the back of the strut and push it into the connection at the boom front. Secure it with two retainer Velcro straps, and you're ready to go. The inflation pressure ensures a solid and intuitive handling sensation, making the Mini Boom Silver a reliable companion for your Slick SLS wing.

Leash: Secure and Convenient

The included coiled leash is available in two lengths, 4" (M) and 5" (L), ensuring the perfect fit for your wing span. The 4" (M) is recommended for wings below 5m, while the 5" (L) is ideal for wings 5m and larger. This thoughtful addition provides security and convenience, allowing you to focus on your ride without worrying about losing your wing.

Pump: High-Efficiency Inflation

The high-efficiency pump included in the package ensures quick and easy inflation of your Slick SLS wing. Designed to deliver optimal pressure with minimal effort, this pump helps you get on the water faster, so you can make the most of your foiling sessions.


What is the PentaTX material in the Slick SLS? PentaTX is a lightweight yet stiff material used in the leading edge and strut of the Slick SLS wing. It enhances responsiveness and provides crisper feedback, significantly improving performance.

How does the mini boom improve my wing foiling experience? The mini boom allows infinite hand placement options, ensuring your hands are always in the optimal position for any maneuver. This flexibility enhances control and makes the wing more intuitive to use.

Is the Slick SLS suitable for beginners? Yes, the Slick SLS is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it suitable for beginners. Its stability and responsive design also make it an excellent choice for experienced foilers.

What lengths are available for the leash, and how do I choose the right one? The leash is available in two lengths: 4" (M) for wings below 5m and 5" (L) for wings 5m and larger. Choose the length based on your wing span to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.

Can I use the mini boom with older Slick wings? Yes, the mini boom is compatible with first-generation Slick wings, providing versatility and allowing you to upgrade your equipment without needing to replace your entire setup.

What improvements were made in the 2022 redesign of the Slick SLS? The 2022 redesign features a new outline that improves luffing stability, adds power and hang time for jumps, and reduces wingtip drag. These enhancements make the wing more stable and easier to handle, especially during advanced maneuvers.


The DUOTONE SLICK SLS 2023 PACKAGE is the ultimate choice for wing foiling enthusiasts seeking top-notch performance and versatility. With its advanced materials, innovative design, and comprehensive accessories, this package ensures a superior experience on the water. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, the Slick SLS, Mini Boom Silver, Leash, and Pump provide everything you need to elevate your wing foiling adventures.



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Ako sam izvan Europske unije, hoću li biti odgovoran za plaćanje bilo kakvih poreza ili carinskih pristojbi na moju narudžbu?

Poslujemo iz Slovenije, članice Europske unije.

Za narudžbe poslane u države izvan Europske unije, mogu se primijeniti uvozne carine, carinske pristojbe i druge naknade koje nameće odredišna država.

Ovi dodatni troškovi su odgovornost primatelja i moraju ih oni podmiriti.

Koliki je vremenski okvir za slanje narudžbi?

Artikli koji su dostupni u našem slovenskom skladištu šalju se unutar 24 sata. Za proizvode koji se nalaze u skladištu našeg europskog distributera, dostava se vrši unutar 4 do 7 radnih dana.

Koje su vaše cijene dostave?

Besplatna dostava Hrvatska za narudžbe iznad 39.90 € za ostatak svijeta. "Dostava s DHL express"

Međutim, za glomazne predmete poput dasaka za surfanje, windsurf dasaka i jarbola, mogu se primijeniti dodatne naknade ovisno o vašoj lokaciji. ( 90% artikla za Hrvatsku nije doplate)

Konačni trošak dostave bit će prikazan prilikom odjave.

Are you able to ship to island destinations?

Dostava na Hrvatske otoke uglavnom je besplatna za narudžbe iznad 39.90 €

Odakle dolaze vaši proizvodi?

Ovaj široki izbor omogućuje nam da vam ponudimo najbolje ponude i najkonkurentnije cijene.

Iako nabava proizvoda s raznih lokacija može dovesti do dužeg vremena isporuke, uvjeravamo vas da iznimna kvaliteta i uštede troškova opravdavaju dodatno vrijeme čekanja!

Več 30 godina smo distributer za Duotone, ION, Cabrinha, Neilpryde, Fanatic, JP Australia, Tabou, Gaastra za Slovenijo.

Kako se proizvodi A kvalitete Duotone razlikuju od njihovih proizvoda B kvalitete?

Glavna razlika između proizvoda A i B kvalitete je u njihovom izgledu. Proizvodi B kvalitete mogu imati male razlike u dizajnu ili male kozmetičke nedostatke, međutim, to ne utječe na njihovu učinkovitost. Proizvodi B kvalitete udovoljavaju strogim Duotone standardima funkcionalnosti i trajnosti, nudeći ekonomičan izbor za one koji su zadovoljni manjim vizualnim odstupanjima.

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1. Što je kupovina bez PDV-a?
Kupovina bez PDV-a znači da kupcima izvan Europske unije (EU) nije naplaćen porez na dodanu vrijednost (PDV) na njihove kupnje. To omogućuje međunarodnim kupcima da imaju koristi od nižih cijena.

2. Tko ima pravo na kupovinu bez PDV-a?
Kupci čije se narudžbe šalju na adrese izvan EU imaju pravo na kupovinu bez PDV-a. Tijekom procesa plaćanja, ako odaberete adresu za dostavu izvan EU, cijene će se automatski prilagoditi kako bi isključile PDV.

3. Kako mogu vidjeti cijene bez PDV-a na Surf-Store.com?
Da biste vidjeli cijene bez PDV-a, provjerite da je vaša adresa dostave izvan EU. Kada tijekom plaćanja odaberete zemlju izvan EU, cijene će se ažurirati kako bi odražavale izuzeće PDV-a.

Kako tvrtke mogu kupovati bez PDV-a?
Izvan EU: Tvrtke bi trebale pružiti adresu za dostavu izvan EU tijekom plaćanja. Sustav će se automatski prilagoditi kako bi isključio PDV.
Unutar EU: Tvrtke moraju pružiti valjani PDV registracijski broj tijekom procesa plaćanja. Naš sustav će provjeriti PDV broj i prilagoditi cijene sukladno.

4. Hoće li mi biti naplaćene dodatne naknade ili porezi pri dostavi?
Iako ne naplaćujemo PDV za pošiljke izvan EU, vaša narudžba može biti podložna uvoznim pristojbama, porezima i naknadama po dolasku u vašu zemlju. Te naknade variraju ovisno o zemlji i nisu uključene u naše cijene. Preporučujemo da se za više informacija obratite vašem lokalnom carinskom uredu.

5. Kako mogu potvrditi da je moja narudžba bez PDV-a?
Tijekom procesa plaćanja, nakon što unesete adresu za dostavu izvan EU, vidjet ćete pregled naplaćenih iznosa. PDV će biti naveden kao nula, potvrđujući da je vaša narudžba bez PDV-a.

6. Mogu li dobiti povrat PDV-a ako posjećujem EU i vraćam se kući s mojim kupnjama?
Naša politika kupovine bez PDV-a primjenjuje se samo na narudžbe poslane izvan EU. Ako kupujete artikle koje ćete ponijeti sa sobom dok posjećujete EU, možda imate pravo na povrat PDV-a putem drugih shema, ali te se ne rješavaju izravno kod nas. Preporučujemo da se posavjetujete s lokalnim propisima u vezi s povratom PDV-a za posjetitelje.

7. Što se događa ako vratim svoju narudžbu?
Naš standardni pravilnik o povratu primjenjuje se na kupovine bez PDV-a. Ako vratite artikl, bit će vam vraćen iznos plaćen prilikom plaćanja, isključujući sve troškove dostave. Uvozne pristojbe i porezi plaćeni u vašoj zemlji nisu povratni.

8. Mogu li vidjeti cijene bez PDV-a prije plaćanja?
Trenutno se cijene bez PDV-a prikazuju tijekom procesa plaćanja nakon što unesete adresu za dostavu izvan EU. To osigurava da kupci iz zemalja EU vide cijene koje uključuju PDV.

9. Kome se mogu obratiti za više informacija?
Ako imate pitanja o kupovini bez PDV-a ili vam je potrebna pomoć, kontaktirajte naš tim za korisničku podršku na info@surf-store.com. Tu smo da pomognemo!


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